When we make any Horoscope (Kundali) according to the Krishnamurthi system, then we clear all 12 houses with the method of Niryaan Bhavaarambh. In this system we usually prefer to see or what is the who is the master of that planet, instead of seeing in which Zodiac Sign the planet is situated or what is its house or which house’s occupant is that zodiac sign. The main objective and basic law of the Krishnamurthi System is to see who is the master of any particular planet and which Zodiac Sign is getting govern by that planet particularly. This minor but very crucial change has given an entirely new dimension to the Astrology Science. It is a very easy method of getting a very minute and appropriate result of Faladesh (predictions). In this system, neither any planet is malefic for any person nor it is low or high by its significance. Whichever planet does good for any person will be considered good or beneficial in contrast whichever does not work in a positive manner it will be considered malefic or ashubh. To understand this we will take an example if some court proceeding is going on between two parties, then when the result will come out obviously one side will be satisfied with the court’s result and another will get disappointed. Here it is important to note that for both the parties timings and location are the same but the result is two dimensional. The one who gets the victory for him or her the position of the planet will be considered benefic but in contrast for another who gets defeat, the planet will consider malefic. Here it is important to note that for both the parties timings and location of the planet are the same but the result is different. The one who gets the victory for him planet position and timing will be considered benefic or auspicious but for the looser same will be considered malefic or un-auspicious.
Principle of knowing or predicting any incident :
According to Krishnamurthy system, there is a single rule for any incident. When the sub-master of any planet’s main house will work as a Karyesh (the tenth of lords ) then the result will be certainly favorable. To apply this rule it is very necessary to have good knowledge of the Krishnamurthi system. To determine Kaal Nirnay or that timing when any incidence is bound to happen we use to see Vishontari Mahadasha according to KP system . Whichever dasha is influenced by the master of Antardasha and by the cause of Bhaavdasha in those planets incident will bound to occur. When any incident shall occur to determine this, only one rule will be enough.
Question-based Horoscope- A new dimension :
According to our ancient Astrological science or Jyotish system, if any object does not have his horoscope or sometimes even after possessing horoscope too, there are many aspects or many questions whose satisfactory results come out only when we use question-based horoscope in support of them. This question-based horoscope is called Prashn Kundali. For example if we have to tell or predict when will be a birth of new baby child took place or when will be one get new job or when are the chances of acquiring a new house or property these all questions could be answered with the help of horoscope. But if we have to predict in which floor or in which housing society the house would be situated then the only horoscope will not work. Here we will need Prashna Kundali or question-based horoscope along with birth kundali. As per horoscope, one can predict, when one will get Government Job but if further detail required like in which sector that job will be or what kind of job will be et. etc then question-based horoscope is very much useful.
The meaning of question-based horoscope or Prashn kundali is that before preparing horoscope, when we ask certain questions from the object according to the position of the planet at that time. Many times a tricky situation arises like one object wish to know when his or her marriage is likely taking place. After a few minutes, one another object comes and in contrast, he or she wishes to know when his or her divorce will likely take place. In between these two contradictory queries neither the position of planets gets change nor the horoscope. Krishnamurthi Ji thought, is it correct or appropriate to tell about the marriage or divorce based on one horoscope. After giving a serious thought he evolved a new method. He suggested to ask that object who was asking question, pick any number between 1 to 249, then see the position, Lagna of question, Zodiac sign, ansh and phase of that number before telling anything to the prospect .with this method at a time many simple or complicated question could be answered very easily without much difficulty.
The prime aim or objective of the Institute of Vedic Astrology is to provide knowledge about Krishnamurthi Jyotish with an appropriate manner. We ascertain a strong foundation of our each and every student with a complete state of the art teaching methodology with the top-class facility and eminent faculty
Principle of knowing or predicting any incident :
According to Krishnamurthy system, there is a single rule for any incident. When the sub-master of any planet’s main house will work as a Karyesh (the tenth of lords ) then the result will be certainly favorable. To apply this rule it is very necessary to have good knowledge of the Krishnamurthi system. To determine Kaal Nirnay or that timing when any incidence is bound to happen we use to see Vishontari Mahadasha according to KP system . Whichever dasha is influenced by the master of Antardasha and by the cause of Bhaavdasha in those planets incident will bound to occur. When any incident shall occur to determine this, only one rule will be enough.
Question-based Horoscope- A new dimension :
According to our ancient Astrological science or Jyotish system, if any object does not have his horoscope or sometimes even after possessing horoscope too, there are many aspects or many questions whose satisfactory results come out only when we use question-based horoscope in support of them. This question-based horoscope is called Prashn Kundali. For example if we have to tell or predict when will be a birth of new baby child took place or when will be one get new job or when are the chances of acquiring a new house or property these all questions could be answered with the help of horoscope. But if we have to predict in which floor or in which housing society the house would be situated then the only horoscope will not work. Here we will need Prashna Kundali or question-based horoscope along with birth kundali. As per horoscope, one can predict, when one will get Government Job but if further detail required like in which sector that job will be or what kind of job will be et. etc then question-based horoscope is very much useful.
The meaning of question-based horoscope or Prashn kundali is that before preparing horoscope, when we ask certain questions from the object according to the position of the planet at that time. Many times a tricky situation arises like one object wish to know when his or her marriage is likely taking place. After a few minutes, one another object comes and in contrast, he or she wishes to know when his or her divorce will likely take place. In between these two contradictory queries neither the position of planets gets change nor the horoscope. Krishnamurthi Ji thought, is it correct or appropriate to tell about the marriage or divorce based on one horoscope. After giving a serious thought he evolved a new method. He suggested to ask that object who was asking question, pick any number between 1 to 249, then see the position, Lagna of question, Zodiac sign, ansh and phase of that number before telling anything to the prospect .with this method at a time many simple or complicated question could be answered very easily without much difficulty.
The prime aim or objective of the Institute of Vedic Astrology is to provide knowledge about Krishnamurthi Jyotish with an appropriate manner. We ascertain a strong foundation of our each and every student with a complete state of the art teaching methodology with the top-class facility and eminent faculty
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