A person’s life is based on the effects of the
planets and positions of the planets in the sky. Here the person’s zodiac sign,
birth chart aka horoscope also plays an important role. A horoscope is made on
the basis of the time and date of the native which based on the position of the
planets at the time of birth.
The horoscope is also known as the astrological birth chart of the person which holds different information about the person and his personality. Thus it represents the situation and movements of the planets at the time of the birth of the native.
The ancient seers (forecasters) have introduced a system of Dasha (Planetary Periods) which is based on the time aspects. This system is also based on the native’s horoscope that is made at the time of his or her birth.
The horoscope is also known as the astrological birth chart of the person which holds different information about the person and his personality. Thus it represents the situation and movements of the planets at the time of the birth of the native.
The ancient seers (forecasters) have introduced a system of Dasha (Planetary Periods) which is based on the time aspects. This system is also based on the native’s horoscope that is made at the time of his or her birth.
It works according to the beneficial planets and their conjunction with another
beneficial planet that provides favorable results in the native’s life. The
most important factor in this system is correlating a Mahadasha with its Antardasha.
One who understands this concept thoroughly can do predictions very
What is Maha Dasha?
MahaDasha is the Hindi word which is made with two words Maha and Dasha, where Maha means very big and the Dasha means the Planetary period. Thus Mahadasha is very big and it lasts for a longer time period in the life of every native. The effects of the Mahadasha are not the same for the whole time period in the native’s life.
For getting the information about the Mahadasha one should know the position of the house first and the situation of the zodiac sign of the planet whose Mahadasha is going on to doing the prediction. Here we are going to tell you about the effects of Mahadasha of planet Sun and Moon.
Effects of the Mahadasha of Sun in the person’s life:
The Mahadasha of Sun lasts for six years. In this time period, natives get the advantages of many things and many losses as well according to their zodiac sign, and beneficial planets.
- In Mahadasha of Sun, generally native travels to foreign countries and earns wealth.
- Native who are in the job gets promoted in the Mahadasha of Sun.
- If the Sun is situated in exalted sign in the horoscope then in its Mahadasha, it provides natives with good sources of income, wealth, progress and the highest degree of fame and popularity.
- If the Sun is situated in its own sign and in center houses, triangular houses or eleventh house then it makes natives happy and provides all pleasures and luxuries of life.
- If the Sun is situated with the lord of the fifth house then native gets children or good news from children’s side during its Mahadasha.
- If the Sun is situated with the lord of the tenth house then native gets good benefits such as vehicles.
- If the sun is lord of inauspicious houses or if it is
situated in debilitated or enemy zodiac sign than in the Mahadasha of Sun native gets inauspicious results.
In these kinds of situations, native becomes unsuccessful in his occupation front. He faces loses and suffers diseases. Sun’s Mahadasha increases stress and reduces the mental peace of the native.
To know more about the different Mahadasha of the various planets you can also learn Vedic Astrology it will give you deep information about various astrological aspects.
Learn Vedic Astrology to get the best knowledge about signs and Mahadasha according to your sign. You can learn astrology from one of the best institutes for astrology that is the Institute of Vedic Astrology, where you will get the best knowledge with online distance learning courses and video courses. Join today and get the best astrology knowledge and discover yourself to the next level.
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