Monday, September 30, 2019

Understand The Mount Of Jupiter In Your Hand

Palmistry plays an important role in the study of human life. By using this technique, people detect faults and provide a solution for their faults. Some bumps of flesh have an important role in the Palm reading. It is known as a mount which looks like rolling mountains on your hands. By reading this mounts, one can read the person’s personalities, lifestyle, education, career, romantic tendencies, fortune, health and wealth.

There are seven locations for the mounts that are revealed by the features of planets. Let’s discuss the mounts of Jupiter.

Mount of Jupiter
The mount is situated at the base of index finger which is referred to as the mount of Jupiter. It represents the people who have this in their hand, they desire to dominate, to rule, to lean, control, organize and work. Above those qualities are only being happened if the line of the head is clear and long. You can get that information from the right astrologers who hold degrees in astrology.
The mount of Jupiter represents willpower, ambition, authority and self-respect. In Indian Palmistry, the mount of Jupiter is known as Brihaspati Parvat which deals with someone’s recognition in the society. As well as the person would be ambitious.
The mount of Jupiter is stronger than the other mounts as well as it will do well academically. This means people will go abroad for their education. Probably, you will become Engineers, lawyers, doctors, civil servants etc. You will always do the best in the academic-oriented job.

Educational Success based on Mount of Jupiter
When people find the mount of Jupiter is well developed and prominent, it represents you are career-minded, ambitious, honest, responsible and reliable. Definitely, you could achieve success in your career as well as get a suitable job for you like an army and civil servant. They are loyal in following rules and regulations within the boundaries of the law. Those people have a passion for studying and gathering information that will lead to achieving their success. For more detail about Educational success based on Mount of Jupiter, you have to Learn Palmistry in one of The Best Palmistry Institute Like IVA.
As well as, that person could be a good motivator and adviser. If Jupiter's finger looks long, it represents an inherent leadership quality.  A single vertical line on it leads to success in education, while the line in a crescent curve gives excellent learning capability especially in occultism.
If their height is bigger than the ring finger or both fingers height is the same, it represents a very good sign. 

To know more about Palmistry Course & many other courses which are offered by Institute of Vedic Astrology that will help you to climb up the ladder of success join today.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Don’t have a Fate Line? Create your own Fate...

Learn Palmistry Online
Hand With No Fate Line

Learn Palmistry Online
Hand With Fate Line

If you are aware about palmistry, you will definitely know about the fate line. Fate line is the line and stairs to your career and success. Through which one can gain success, fame and wealth overnight. 
Having a proper fate line makes your career route easy going and struggle free.

What is fate line?

Fate is the line in the middle of your palm. The fate line is one the major palmistry line on your palms.
It is the vertical line which going from the middle of the palm straight towards your middle finger.
If the fate line on your hand is long, full and constant then you will gain success, fortune and wealth in your life from the early periods of your career.
According to the Vedic Palmistry the fate line is one of the most important lines on your palm which simply shows growth in your life. It occupies important role for deciding your job, career, business etc.
 A person having a good fate line will succeed in a particular field and gain money from it. People with good fate lines are now famous celebrities, artists and huge personalities. 

What if you don’t have a fate line or an incomplete fate line?
According to the Palmists people who don’t have proper fate line or no fate line have a struggling life. They have to work and struggle for a long period of time to gain success in life. But they can work and achieve great in life.
Person with good fate line can succeed in one particular field and can make wealth from it.
The person with no fate line or half line can choose any career option in their life and can work on it. They are the creative people who can be comfortable in doing whatever work has given to them.

Sometimes people who don’t have proper fate line are unable to save money or gain proper profits in their life, still it is not the end. You can learn Palmistry to know your palm lines better and can create a great future with it.
Learning Palmistry will make you aware about your palm lines and other life related things which you can control and create through the knowledge of palmistry.

If you don’t have proper fate line you can create your future by choosing a right career option which will give you wealth and success in your life.
Some people who don’t have fate line, use their other palm lines to create better life for them. Your life is not totally dependent on that one line you can look after your other lines which will help you bring success and happiness in your life and career.
There is also other lines like- lifeline, heart line and headline in your palm through you will create a great career for yourself by using the talents from those lines which are better than other lines on your palm or hand.

How can you learn Palmistry?
Palmistry is the easiest art to learn in life. To get the future, past and present predictions anyone can learn palmistry, because it has no complicated rules and principles in it. You can learn it only sitting at your home.
By joining Palmistry institutes online for Palmistry course will surely help you many ways.
Institute of VedicAstrology is the best option for learning Palmistry through Distance Learning Course. You can join anytime to get a perfect guidance in palmistry.

 Click Here to read another Blog related to Fate Line "Your fate line is a channel to gain money" 

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Magic of Rudraksha

In Indian community Rudraksha is well known for its benefits.  It is kind of seed which is specially used at the time of prayer in hindu community.  It is used as Prayer bead as well. Rudraksha beads are the seeds of the tree Elaeocarpus Ganitrus Roxb. The word Rudraksha comes from Rudra (name of Shiva) and Aksha means tears. It is also said that they are the tears of Lord Shiva. Heuse to wear Rudraksha garlands, after that in Hindu community, it is believed that wearing Rudraksha is good for their mental and physical life. There is an ancient trend of wearing 108 Rudraksha beads in India. Rudraksha are strung together as a mala and used to count the repetition of mantras in Hindu community, at the time of their prayer. Nowadays people are learning Rudraksha therapy for betterment and peace in their life. As per Astrological concept you can also learn Rudraksha therapy with the help of Gems and Crystal course from best astrological institutes like Institute of Vedic Astrology.

Benefits of wearing Rudraksha:                                                            
·         There are many benefits of wearing Rudraksha, for every person. It can be worn by any person from children to adults. It can give positive effects to every person, who uses to wear it.
·          It has positive vibrations inside it, which keeps a person physically fit and mentally balanced.
·         Those people who love to be spiritual, it enhances their spiritual growth as well.
·         Rudraksha have curative faculties also, which is proven worldwide and used by millions of people to cure mental, physical and psychological illness.
·         Hindu people are usually strong believer of lord Shiva, they believe in wearing Rudraksha to protect themselves from accidents, diseases and negative energies around them, and built confidence and
positivity inside them.
·         Rudraksha is extremely effective in getting relief from skin related disorders like itching, rashes, skin irritations and wounds etc.
·         It also known for controlling stress and anxiety in a person who is facing it since long.
·         Wearing Rudraksha garland (mala) can protect you from animals, accidents and unfortunate events.
·         It also helps you to make better decisions in life.

At the end using Rudraksha in your day to life can bring positive and harmonious changes in your life. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Palmistry as a career

We believe that your career is defined as doing something completely different from what has been done before. It is said that every third person in the world chooses the fields like engineering, medical and management related jobs, but when you pursue a career which is far different from every normal person’s career, you’ll get a different kind of fame and success in that field. Learning palmistry can be a better option for you to choose as your future career. It will not give you an instant success but it will surely help you to create a better future as well, simply you can form your future with your hands. You can learn Palmistry only sitting at your home through online training and distancelearning course.

Future and your Palm:
There are various lines in your palm, by which a palmist can easily foretell your future, career, health status, wealth/money, marriage life etc. But the basic thing your palm indicates is your future according to the palm’s line.
There are many people whose palm lines are under developed or incomplete due to that it becomes tough to analyze their palm and related facts. For example a kid, their palm lines are unfinished and in underdevelopment. If you are an adult then don’t worry, according to some famous Palmists’ new lines are created in your palm as years go by. So, if you are worried about your future then don’t be! Your palm lines will definitely get developed with the time.
We can say that the palm reading is not 100% sure, there is always a room for error, as no one is correct 100% of the time. It all depends according to your ‘karmic deeds’ and your heredity.

Easiest way to learn palmistry:
You can Learn Palmistry Online or offline through any institute of palmistry. One of the best Institute for Palmistry is Institute of Vedic Astrology, Indore.  It offers you easy Palmistry learning course, under the guidance of experts.
If you also want to learn palmistry and want to be an expert in palm reading then don’t be late join IVA, Indore asap!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Do you believe that your fate lies in your hand? Well, that is true you can get to know your destiny and fate through your hand’s palm. The process of analyzing someone’s future and fate by the help of his or her palm lines is known as Palmistry. Palmistry is one of the ancient method of reading someone’s future and personality through their palm and lines on it. It is also termed as “chiromancy” or “chirology” in ancient times and in popular culture it is also named as palm reading.
 The traditional palmistry believes that people got hereditary traits from their family members, and depending upon the cosmological beliefs, Palmists (person who is expert or professional in reading palms) tend to tell you the information about your past as well. It is somehow related to human psychology.
Not only your palm lines but your finger also reveals your personal information as well as your future, personality and health status.
For example-A man who has his ring finger larger than his index finger is more attractive from his face and is a great athlete as well. On the other hand, a man whose index finger is larger than his ring finger, meanwhile is more prone to schizophrenia (it is chronic and severe mental disorder which directly affects how a person feels, thinks or behaves, in simple words it seems like they have lost touch with reality) and early heart disease. You can also learn more things about your palm and fingers by joining best palmistry Institutes like Institute of VedicAstrology who are offering correspondence distance learning course in Palmistry.
We cannot deny that your palm lines can’t be changed but it can get stronger with time. Your strength lies in your palm and it controls your fate as well. If you want to change your destiny or future you can learn Palmistry.
Palmistry is use to be one of the easiest methods of foretelling the future only with help of your palm. There are still some people who deeply believe in the knowledge of palmistry and spend their life believing in those facts.
The most important thing is done with help of palmistry is you can know yourself better than before. Sometimes people are unaware about their hidden talents and abilities and on the other hand they don’t have any person who can suggest them a right path.  If you don’t have your horoscope or birth chart, still palmistry can help you to get your personal and professional information.
Learning palmistry can help you to get your future in hands. With the help of palmistry you can turn your weaknesses into strength. When you get to know about your weaknesses you can simply work on it to change your destiny because in the end your “karma” decides your future. When you will work by keeping your strength and weakness in your mind you can turn your destiny as well.
Palmistry not only tells you the future but also makes you aware about your fate, success, health and travel related stuff. There are many questions which normally comes into your mind like – where am I going in my life, I will be successful or not, will I travel or not, I will be healthy or not?
There are many questions which arises in your hand related to palmistry and how it works. To know more about Palmistry, join Institute of Vedic Astrology, they are also providing online trainingcourses for their students across the world.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Palmistry for beginners

You would have seen so many people searching and analyzing someone's palm in old times and sometimes in movies if yes then here we go. predicting someone's future by examining their palm which is termed as Palmistry. Palmists (people who looks at the lines and shape of your palm to predict your future) claim to define anyone's personality only after seeing their palm. we can also say that Palmistry is an art as well as science. The lines on your palm just more than the creases, it can simply help you get into your future predictions to built your future much better and with much clarity. Palmistry is also known as Chiromancy.
It is the art of reading the lines in the palm of any person and to tell his fortune.  

Palm reading is an ancient fortune telling technique, which origin can be traced back to China and India. The art of Palmistry can simply guide you about your future as well as character that personality holds.

Palmistry is not so easy just like eating piece of cake but now it’s easy to learn from various Palmistry classes. Institute of Vedic Astrology offers you course regarding Palmistry with different and interesting study material which give you some live examples as well as online sessions from experts of Palmistry from known Palmistry institutes. 

Palmistry as a Solitary Concept:

Palmistry is one of the most interesting and sapid (engaging) kind of art in the universe, it contains end number of facts about an individual and his personality. Palmistry is one of the easiest sciences to get the knowledge about anyone's past, present and future without his/her horoscope. There are many people who doesn't have their horoscope or knowledge about their zodiac sign, but no worry! through Palmistry they can effortlessly get the details about themselves and plan their future and can live a better present. The concept behind Palmistry is that a person’s hand – namely the Palm, fingers and lines – can indicate that person’s future and indicate his personality traits. How to read the hand? Simple, just follow the guide. Hence, Palmistry is very easy to learn and understand that anyone can learn it.

Benefits for different people:
  • Are you a shy one? So this is meant for you! Palmistry is an exciting tool for shy people, as it gives reason to communicate with others, as it forces one-on-one interaction. In addition it gives people something to talk about. Learn Palmistry to change your nature and personality.
  • If you are a student and want to choose a better career option in your life ahead then it will surely help you out. Through your lines on your Palm you can get to know your strengths and weakness and can choose right career option as per your ability and skills. 
  • For the people who don't have their Horoscope can learn this and get through their life in an artistic as well as scientific way. 
  • It is also for the people who have their unique kind of interest in their life to get to know other people's personality traits and to make aware about their life. They can learn Palmistry to have better understanding and knowledge about this art.

How to learn Palmistry at home? 

well it’s a question to think about! but here we have all your answers. Institute of Vedic Astrology is here to guide you with their astonishing Online training course of Palmistry, which will give you full information and knowledge about this art in very understanding and catchy manner with easy language and live examples. In Institute of Vedic Astrology we have gathered 1000+pages modules in Palmistry to make you expert in your field. If you are keen to learn this course this is the best option palmistry for beginners.

Friday, September 20, 2019

How directions can affects life

For your kids:
Some people always have issues with their child’s study and career. There are many kids who don’t  have proper concentration on their studies and other academic activities, and some kids are always confused about their future decisions. These kind of things only happen when people are facing wrong direction in their study time or sleeping time, and the same condition is also applied on kids as well.

The entrance
Every room and its direction plays an important role, on the other hand your house entrance gate also plays a vital role to bring happiness in life. According to Vedic Vastu we believe that your Entrance gate is the place from where both kind of energies enter, Positive as well as Negative. It is important to look after your entrance gate before constructing your house
because this the place from where every kind of energy and negativity enters in your house. Here we suggest that the entrance of your house should face East and North direction for the doors. It will give you favorable result in your life as well as in your house.It is highly suggested that you should always keep your entrance passage clean and clutter free, so that positive energies can easily enter your house to bring happiness and prosperity.

The kitchen:
kitchen is the one of the purest place of the house because it includes fire (agni) in that area, according to Vastu and Indian Vedic Shastra fire (agni) is a thing which get worshiped in Indian community, that’s why people keep the kitchen as pure as they can. According to Vedic Vastu the kitchen area should be in South-East direction, to avoid misery and accidents in the kitchen, because fire can cause harm in many ways to the family members, if they are not using it properly. This is about the directions but color of the kitchen also plays an important role here. Learn Vedic Vastu to bring positive changes in your kitchen. 

The bedroom:
According to the Vastu it is best suggested that your bedroom should always be in the south-west facing direction and you should keep your head pointing towards east while sleeping, to have better sleep and mental peace.  To have a stressful and comfortable life one should have proper sleep schedule, by facing right direction at the time of sleep one can avoid stress and discomfort in their life. By learning Vastu you can simply get yourself a best sleeping direction.

You can also go for onlinetraining and correspondence course for Vedic Vastu. Institute of VedicAstrology, Indore offers you distancelearning course in Vedic Vastu Shastra. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


Facing misery or conflicts in your life and house? All you need is right Vastu based direction!
Many people often get confused before choosing best direction for their future house or office and end up getting a wrong place or direction, just because they don’t have proper information and knowledge about the directions and Vastu. Believe or not directions in our life as well as in our living spaces, plays a very crucial role, for example- Our house, office, shops, school etc. If you face wrong directions in your house or office it can give negative results in your personal and professional life.
Vastu unifies the science, art, astronomy and astrology, Vastu can also said to be the ancient mystic science for designing building, houses and other living spaces. It helps to make our life better and will secure us from wrong things and incidents in your house.
According to Vedic Vastu South facing living spaces are more auspicious and favorable for every individual. This direction facing houses brings wealth and prosperity to the owners. 
We can also say that Vastu includes Cosmic Energy as well (external spiritual energy) which attracts loads of success and prosperity in someone’s life from different aspects, if someone follows his Vastu based direction.
Some people face challenges and obstacles in their life and career, due to the imbalance in the Cosmic energy within and around them. If you try to balance and connect the Cosmic energies with the help of Vedic Vastu, you shall be able to straighten (channelize) the seven chakras’ in your on-going job or life.

Direction and mental peace:
Believe or not, directions plays a very pivotal role in providing someone mental peace and comfort in their life. There are some people who are always in stress and discomfort, but they don’t know the reason behind it, here sometimes directions play an important role. Maybe they are facing wrong direction while sleeping, studying and doing other important works, because of which they face little stress and sometimes physical discomfort also. If you keep knowledge and information about the best directions according to your horoscope, you will not face stress and anxiety as you are having right now.

Institute of Vedic Astrology is a proper platform for the people who are keen to learn Vedic Vastu for their better life and living experience. Institute offers you a distance course in Vedic Vastu with the easiest learning process under the guidance of experienced Vedic Vastu specialists. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Find your perfect match- Learn Astrology

In the world of around 7 billion people every one is different and special. Every person is different from his and her nature, behavior, habits and skills. Every person carries different, unique, inborn and developed faculties, which is far different from every person. But on the other hand, sometimes there are people who are same and indifferent through their characteristics and nature because their zodiac signs are sometimes same or compatible with each other. It is not like that, they two are the same but they varies common interest, nature, likes and dislikes etc which makes them perfect and compatible with each other.
It is very important to choose a perfect partner according to the nature, behavior, personality traits which are compatible with you and your zodiac sign to avoid conflicts in life.
There are institutes like IVA, Indore which provides Indian astrology training courses online. Through which you can choose right partner for your life.

What are the Zodiac Signs?
Zodiac signs are the astrological signs for each and every human being. These signs include different symbol and each sign reveals different personalities and characteristics in the person. According to which a person behaves and present himself in the society. There are 12 zodiac (astrological) signs: Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Aries.
Each and every sign contains different personality and behavioral traits in human being.
One should always look for a person with whom they can match their behavioral traits and nature.
As we have seen there are billions of people in the world and we have proper connection with few numbers of people, despite of having thousands of friends on Facebook, Instagram and other social media websites or in our real life but we only have better compatibility with limited people.
To know about the signs and its compatibility with other signs you can join Instituteof Vedic Astrology which will give you better knowledge and guidance about astrology.

How to look for your match:
It is very important that you should always look for a compatible zodiac sign according to your sign, to avoid conflicts and negativity in the relation. If you are a parent and looking for a girl or boy for your daughter or son for their marriage you should be very careful choosing the right life partner for them. Here’s a look, for some of the zodiac signs which is perfect for each other like:

·         Aries – Leo and Sagittarius
·        Gemini – Libra and Aquarius
·        Taurus – Capricorn and Virgo
·        Scorpio – Pisces and Cancer
·        Leo – Aries and Sagittarius

Learn many more compatibility and personality traits of different signs in IVA and spend your life peacefully and happily. 
It is not obvious that people only needs compatible partner in his or her life but people also needs friends, colleagues, business partners etc for their social survival.  It is equally important in this area also. It is commonly said that people choose their friends and life partner and sometimes people tend to found a successful match as a friend or as a life partner just because, somehow their signs are compatible and connected with each other.
To know more about these elements and aspects of your life or related people you can learn Vedic Astrology online from Institute of Vedic Astrology

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