Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Mount Of Sun

We have seen many lines on our hand, which simply reflects our personality and characteristics. In this modern world every person is interested to learn about themselves and their future. They can do whatever they can so that, they could know more about them selves in a better way. If any person will get to know about his or her strengths and weaknesses they can achieve more in their life by controlling and managing the situation according to future predictions and past lessons.
There are many lines and mounts on the hand of the human. One of the most important mount on native’s hand is mount of sun which is also known as mount of Apollo.
The mount of son is located on our ring finger and lies on the upper part of the heart line.  This mount indicates self assurance, compassion and integrity in someone’s life. The one who has a developed mount of Apollo/sun have the desire to stand out from others in a crowd.

Types of mount of sun-

Normally elevated mount indicates that the person is outgoing means he or she enjoys the outing sessions and exploring new things. These are the one who are flexible to change and adapt changes comfortably.
When the mount is overdeveloped it indicates the hatred, lack of control on self anger and anxiety. These people may have problematic relationship with their friends, partners and family.
If the mount is flat or underdeveloped then it indicates a person who is dull and not very outgoing. These people are sought of lazy one in their day to day life. Making better decisions in life is little difficult for them.
A normal mount shows that the person is healthy, vigorous and loves to be happy and energetic. These people are found to be attractive and spontaneous

These were the common mounts of sun which are generally present in the hand of a person in a different way. Understand about yourself in an artistic manner by learning Palmistry.
Learn Palmistry from Online Distance Learning Course of Instituteof Vedic Astrology and become a palm reader. 


  1. Thank you IVA! This is such a revelation. I love learning new things

  2. I would like to learn Pulmistry even after reading this article ..


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